

Soviet Georgia, culture, cultural policy, totalitarianism, international concept-models of cultural policy


After the occupation of Georgia by Soviet Russia on February 25, 1921 and after Georgias has become a constituent of the new Soviet totalitarian empire since 1922, the radically changed political-ideological and socio-economic factors had a great impact on Georgian culture and the governance system of the cultural sphere-the policy of culture. The main feature of the Soviet political system was its ideologizing, which logically led to the need to develop appropriate tasks and tools for the governance of the cultural sphere. In the framework of the research as a result of analyzing the abundant documentary material related to the Soviet policy of culture (four Soviet constitutions, legislative acts, decrees, scientific literature, etc.), we concluded that the most essential tasks and, at the same time, instrumentalities of the ideological-centralized governance system of the sphere canonized as the Soviet cultural revolution were: education reform; ideological struggle to establish social realist culture; centralized institutional governance of the sphere of culture; establishment of censorship and repressive system; anti-religious politics. According to these vectors of the Soviet cultural revolution, i.e. cultural policy, in the article we called the frame-model of the cultural policy of Soviet Georgia a Totalitarian-ideologized model. Among the international concept-models, it is
comparable to the Engineer state model. It is also similar to the State Bureaucraticeducational concept-model of cultural policy.

